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SUGUKI Special Event with Don Henderson at the London Shard

Feb 10, 2019

The 22nd SUGUKI meetup was a special event, with thanks to international guest speaker - Don Henderson! Attendees were treated to a deep-dive on the Hash Object, and we learned all about the Bizarro Ball data as well as gaining insights into the seminal hash book - “Data Management Solutions Using SAS Hash Table Operations: A Business Intelligence Case Study” (co-authored with Paul Dorfman). You can buy a copy here.

room view

Two copies of the book (signed by both Paul & Don) were given away, to luck winners Kishan Dattani and Shiu Tsang! Everyone in the room also received a discount voucher to purchase the book directly from SAS.

book giveaway

There was a fantastic array of refreshments enjoyed in a stunning venue - the London Shard! Many thanks to Protiviti and Vladimir Prishlyak for making this happen.

Afterwards we all went to the Rake and enjoyed some local craft ales.

rake pub

The slides from the event are available here.

Photos from the event are available here.

The video from the event is available here.

If you would like to use the Bizarro data, you can generate it in just 2 lines of code:

filename bizarro url 
%inc bizarro;

You can also try your hand at the hash based Sasensei quiz:

The next meetup will be held on Thursday 7th March, featuring Rohit Shetty (Leveraging AWS Batch & Step Functions to create an On-Demand SAS Scheduling environment) and Francis Miles (General Introduction to Software Testing)

See you there!


book pic